As a Canadian who begrudingly moved to Florida two years ago with a kid who will be a kindergartener next year, I’m so invested in this topic. There is no close-by public school where I live. But every church peppering the landscape seems to have a school associated with it. We will have to either drive our child to a private school of our choice, using DeSantis’ voucher program, or to a public school in a different part of our county that is slowly losing funding because it’s all being redirected towards private institutions. Even other parents I talk to seem to have resigned themselves to the current situation. I swear the learned helplessness is almost part for the course of the GOP agenda. As a former educator myself, I lament the state of education here and worry what the future will look like with an abandoned undereducated citizenry.

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"Money follows the student" = bad. "Universal curriculum" = bad. "Parental education" = bad.

"Collect school taxes at the State level rather than at the School District level"= bad?

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This subject is close to my heart. Not because I am a teacher but I WAS.a public school graduate who ended up in Catholic School and watching my Catholic School build out like a freaking college while the public schools nearby crumble pisses me off to no end.

I went there to show my husband my old school and almost wanted to vomit. Then we drove past the dead fields and crappy buildings of the public schools and it really bugged me.

My kids are also in public school.

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